Family Drama What To Do When Relatives Don’t Want You To Be a Travel Nurse

Family Drama: What To Do When Relatives Don’t Want You To Be a Travel Nurse

Girl, becoming a travel nurse may seem like it’s right up your alley. It can unlock chances for adventure, higher pay, and the incredible growth you’ve been yearning for. 

But if your mama, daddy, grandma, sisters, or aunties don’t understand or support this path, their doubts can sting. 

How do you manage family members who resist your career moves to protect the tight-knit family unit? 

Here’s some guidance on getting relatives to respect your dreams.

Explain You’re Why

Have a candid heart-to-heart sit down to explain to worried family members exactly why travel nursing calls to you. 

Do you look forward to exploring new places and meeting new people? Are you feeling stagnant at your staff job? Does student debt or saving for a house make the pay bump enticing? 

Their concern probably comes from wanting to protect you, so reassure them this brings purpose and possibilities, not just uncertainty. Help them understand your personal “why.”

Address Specific Worries

Get clear on any concrete worries troubling close family about your travel nursing. 

Are they concerned about safety in unfamiliar cities? Stability of switching jobs every few months? Managing finances? Loneliness or burnout? Tackle each specific objection head-on. 

Research crime rates or secure housing options. Explain your budget plan. Share your self-care routines. Transparency dispels assumptions.

Start Local

If you absolutely must, consider a compromise of starting with travel assignments within driving distance for your first few contracts while you get the hang of the nomadic lifestyle. This lets family quickly visit or welcome you home on weekends. 

Once they gain confidence seeing you thrive on regional contracts, gradually expand your radius. Let success ease concerns.

Involve Them In Planning

Collaborate with anxious relatives to get them actively involved in trip preparations versus having them worrying from the sidelines. 

Have a care package assembly party before you leave. 

Ask their advice on decorating your next housing or scoping fun visiting attractions. 

Send them photos of your stylin’ new scrubs. Including them makes them feel invested.

Schedule Virtual Quality Time

Loneliness is a common concern, so proactively calendar virtual family game nights or video chat dinners to stay connected. 

Share your calendar so they know they can call/text during designated “downtime.” 

Treat visits home between contracts as sacred for bonding. Making family time a priority despite distance shows your unbreakable bond.

Highlight Benefits

Focus conversations on the positives versus perceived negatives. 

Mention networking with nurses nationwide and the skills you’re learning. 

Share funny or moving patient stories that reaffirm your calling. Rave about fascinating new foods or cultural experiences. Confidently reiterate how this sets you up for future success.

Their doubts are no match for your assured attitude.

Send Postcards From The Road

Help your family feel included in your travel journey by mailing cute postcards from each location. 

Ask if they’d like any local treats or trinkets. Displaying souvenirs from your adventures makes their concern seem out of touch with your enrichment. 

By taking these steps, you’ll help them replace their anxiety with vicarious delight.

Set Expectations

Have an honest dialogue about what your family can realistically expect regarding visit frequency, communication, monetary aid, and other dynamics given your transient lifestyle.

Managing expectations prevents misunderstandings down the line. 

Your career decisions don’t diminish your dedication, but do allow you to finally take flight!

Check In Often

Be proactively about regularly checking in concerning major happenings in your relatives’ lives and show support during big milestones you may miss. 

Anticipate needs that arise while you’re gone like childcare or rides to doctor’s appointments and help coordinate fill-ins. 

Reassure them by proving distance doesn’t dampen your unwavering sisterhood and love.

Stand Firm In Your Worth

Surround yourself with cheerleaders who champion your dreams, not naysayers who make you question your worth. Limit time with negative relatives. Say “no” to guilt trips. 

Remind yourself and them that a thriving woman helps her whole community rise. This opportunity awaits only you. Stay true to what your heart knows is right.

With radical self-reliance balanced by a determination to maintain close family ties, you can take the leap into travel nursing with courage. 

Stay patient with worried relatives, keep communication flowing, and immerse yourself fully in each adventure knowing you have a tribe awaiting your homecoming with open arms and eyes now opened to your unlimited potential.

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